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2010.10 insoftb Cecilia Cheung together to create high-end brand of diapers
Time: 2010-10-20    View: 2555    Burst: INSOFTB

  From the beginning of 2011, Chinese baby products industry has added a powerful new force. After several years of research and precipitation, insoftb INSOFTB high-end brand in the diaper product will in the near future comprehensive landing the Chinese market, and will continue to develop wipes, diapers etc. a series of baby supplies, quick to seize the continuous expansion of the Chinese baby supplies market.

  "With the 'diamond level care' of the brand concept, the baby has gained a good reputation of the user. In the face of the rapid development of baby products market, we will take the full attack, hire international superstar as the spokesperson, launched a massive brand promotion; to create a full range of baby products series, we will be the center of the province to achieve more than 20 provinces channel expansion, plans to use 3~5 years among infants and children's products industry top 5." Insoft (China) Co., Ltd., chairman Yan Peikun told reporters.

  Big market: baby products market breakthrough trillion, the baby is comfortable to seize the commanding heights of the industry

  Insoft into baby supplies market is not accidental. From the China baby industry research center data show that in 2008~2010 years, the number of pregnant women in China reached 60000000, 0~3 year old baby approaching 20000000, the current population growth rate projections, in 2016 China will usher in the fifth round of baby boom is expected to market sales will exceed 1000000000000 yuan. Industry insiders predict that the number of infants sustained growth, coupled with a new generation after 80 mother consumption awareness, parenting ideas brought about by consumer promotion, will promote China's baby products market ushered in a super bull market.

  Insoftb brand market entry point is the choice of high-end diapers. According to professional personage introduction, at present the diaper industry competition is intense, but in high-end diaper remains huge blank areas for reclamation. It is also to see this huge business opportunities, Insoft brand in 2010 with the Asian pharmaceutical giants - Macao Yong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the establishment of baby Shu Asia R & D center, a comprehensive development of domestic baby baby products market.

  Insoft strong landing in the domestic market confidence comes from the accumulation of years of word of mouth. According to reports, the Hongkong International Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is a collection of market research, product development, professional manufacturing, terminal sales and marketing services as one of the well-known professional baby care industry group. Insoft brand with its diamond like baby care products, hundreds of millions of mothers, care, care for the child's careful choice. In order to better for the Chinese market, Hongkong Insoft company and the Macao River Pharmaceutical industry leading technology research and development of the international leading technology, the success of the development of more appropriate Chinese children's growth and development of baby care products.

  In order to better close to the Chinese consumer, baby Shu has set up a production base in Fujian, china. The base currently has a number of international most advanced high-speed automatic diaper production line, production line and production line of diaper wipes. Enterprises through the ISO9001:2008 quality system certification and ISO14001:2004 environmental system certification. "We will try our best to create a series of products of high tech baby care products, and provide the most comfortable products and services for our customers." Baby Shu Po brand department head said.

  Generous: the brand, products, channels, three arrows, insoftb forward.

  It is understood that, behind the fifth wave of baby boomers is China nursery concept changes and upgrades. With 80, 90, after large quantities of a new generation of parents, parental consumption concept also is different from the previous generation, in the selection of baby supplies, they usually put on the safety and quality in the first place, more trust in the brand image is good, price is relatively moderate products.

  Based on the market insight, baby Shu in February this year will be spending huge sums of money successfully signed international superstar Cecilia Cheung, with the help of the image of the powerful influence of the image of the health, safety and happiness, the baby's health, safety, happiness, and set up a new baby care brand in china. According to the head of the Insoft brand, Cecilia Cheung has been completed and the film is a treasure, and will start in April this year, the national mainstream television media. It is worth mentioning is that this is the return Cecilia Cheung after debut commercials, she very much appreciate insoftb brand philosophy and very optimistic about insoftb market prospects for development, to promote cooperation so successful.

  Product R & D, insoftb for diapers product features are a large number of science and technology innovation, put forward the "soft cotton 0 stimulation (cotton soft no stimulating); super class ventilation (class breathable top quality); waterproof 2 heavy wall Countercheck waterproof; 3, Wai more adherent body (Comfotable hug)" 4C product standards. Baby Shu R & D engineer told reporters that the baby is comfortable with the use of the world's top 500 suppliers of raw materials as a strategic partner, product safety, ventilation, comfort. The cut on the creative design, not only more personal, and super absorbent, to prevent side leakage. In short, the Insoft from a scientific point of view for infants and young children to create the best care products, with all care, care for the healthy growth of infants and young children.

  Along with a comprehensive brand awareness program, the Insoft domestic investment and channel expansion is also carried out in full swing. According to reports, positioning in the high-end Insoft will focus on the domestic market center, second tier cities, channel form will strive to diversify, with large stores, baby supplies franchise stores, chain convenience stores and other convenient terminal channels, and gradually put the product in full swing. Since the beginning of last year to start large-scale investment promotion plan, the remarkable achievements, already has a number of provinces and cities distribution agents, and domestic large commercial giant RT mart, Wal Mart, Carrefour, Tesco and other reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

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